Quote: This is blog love relationship not just a sex blog. Find the great secret to be a great lover for your partner. The pleasure of making love is the greatest gift from GOD to us in this world, nothing compares to it. By this blog represent the biggest resource to gain a great making love which will be useful for you and your love partner.

love relationship

Jumat, September 15, 2006



G-spot adalah area dimana setiap pria menghabiskan banyak waktunya untuk terus berusaha menemukan. Reaksi yang ditimbulkan biasanya cukup membuat pria ingin menemukan kembali sumber kenikmatan tersebut.

Huruf G dalam g-spot berasal dari Grafenberg ( Dr. Grafenberg), seseorang yang menemukan spot pada wanita yang dapat membawa mereka mencapai kesenangan luar biasa.

Sebelum Anda menggali dan mulai mencari-cari G-spot, ingat bahwa Anda harus membuat pikiran pasangan Anda penuh dengan cinta dan kasih terlebih dahulu. Berikut caranya:

Buatlah dia nyaman: Berbaring di tempat yang tidak nyaman, lingkungan kotor, dan napas Anda tidak sedap tidak akan bisa membuat dia menikmati. Yakinlah tempat-tempat tersebut bersih dan juga termasuk Anda.

Berbicara tentang seks: Dia adalah pasangan Anda, katakan padanya saat ini Anda tengah membayangkan membawanya bercinta. Biarkan pikirannya dipenuhi dengan semua hal tentang seks yang telah Anda lakukan bersama dan lakukan cukup dengan mengatakannya secara eksplisit.

Buat dia merasa asyik: Berciuman, memijit tubuhnya, mengisap payu dara dan menjilat klitoris selalu membuat dia merasa santai dan mempersiapkan tubuhnya untuk puncak kepuasan.

Sebelum Anda memulai ekspolarasi, hal yang penting diperhatian adalah kebersihan sebagai asset utama. Biarkan jari-jari Anda bersih dan kuku terpotong pendek dan tidak kasar.

Berikut dua cara eksplorasi yang bisa Anda lakukan tanpa alat bantu:

Metoda yang paling popular untuk menemukan G-spot melibatkan dua jari dan memasukkannya dalam vagina dengan telapak jari berhadapan. Ketika Anda berada dalam dua inch, buatlah gerakan melingkar, Anda akan menyentuh sesuatu yang dirasa seperti bola kecil.

Meskipun setiap penis miring dalam satu arah atau lainnya. Ada juga pria yang memiliki penis condong ke atas yang paling mungkin menyentuh daerah G.

Jika Anda tidak masuk jenis diatas, Anda memiliki dua pilihan. Pertama, jika penis Anda condong ke kiri, kanan atau ke selatan, Anda dapat memposisikan diri dalam cara tertentu dimana penis dapat menyentuh spot. Misalnya Jika penis Anda condong ke sisi tertentu, Anda dapat membentuk posisi T dengan pasangan, dimana Anda berbaring horizontal dan dia sebaliknya.

Kedua, Anda dapat membiarkan dia menemukan posisi tersebut dengan menyentuh spotnya. Dia tahu apa yang membuat terangsang dibanding dengan Anda, berikan kekuatan penis adalah pilihan yang terbaik.
by Rahasia Pria Perkasa
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Sabtu, September 09, 2006

Tips Melakukan Cunnilingus - Hot!


Jika anda yang sudah terbiasa melakukan cunnilingus, mungkin bisa mencoba salah satu metode ini. Namun bagi yang belum terbiasa atau sama sekali merasa risih dan jijik untuk melakukannya, mungkin bisa dicoba dulu dengan membersihkan bagian vagina pasangan anda dengan anti-septic khusus area tersebut yang kini sudah banyak dijual umum. Diharapkan dengan kondisi tersebut, baik anda maupun pasangan anda tidak merasa khawatir terhadap kebersihan, sehingga rasa risih dan jijik itu dapat dikurangi bahkan dihilangkan.

Sangat penting sekali mood anda sangat melakukan cunnilingus ini, karena sedikit saja ada rasa kurang nyaman, maka baik anda atau pasangan anda tidak akan mendapatkan kenikmatan yg maksimal.

Ini ada salah satu tips dalam melakukan cunnilingus, resepnya adalah:
Cobalah anda atau minta pasangan anda untuk minum(jangan langsung ditelan, tapi seperti berkumur) teh hangat saat melakukan cunnilingus sampai teh hangatnya sudah habis tertelan, kemudian ganti dengan minum(jangan langsung ditelan, tapi seperti berkumur) air es dingin atau bisa diganti dengan es-krim yg masih dingin dan lakukan lagi cunnilingus nya. Jadi selama anda cunnilingus baik itu saat dengan teh hangat atau es, masih terasa suhunya dalam mulut anda, jika suhu mulut mendekati normal silahkan mengisinya lagi (ingat! harus selang-seling antara hangat dan dingin). Lakukan rotasi tersebut beberapa kali sesuai keinginan anda atau pasangan anda.

Mengapa teh hangat dan es?
Karena menurut ilmu pengetahuan bahwa; teh itu mempunyai unsur zat tertentu yang dapat merubah struktur lidah jika berinteraksi dengan lidah... hmmm.. bagi wanita, anda bisa rasakan sensasinya enak sekali. Tapi tunggu duluu... begitu air es dingin merubah lagi struktur lidah anda atau pasangan anda itu, dan lidah menyentuh vagina, woww... ada yang bilang enaknya berkali-kali lipat... he..he..he..
Jangan percaya jika anda belum mencobanya.

by Rahasia Pria Perkasa
"..sex is not taboo, but sacred.."

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Rabu, September 06, 2006


Sek -

Jika anda mampu membuat pasangan merasa sangat nyaman dengan tubuhnya keuntungan tidak akan terlukiskan ketika hal itu masuk ke dalam kegiatan tempat tidur atau sek. Lakukanlah apa yang terbaik untuk mencapai suatu tujuan sebaiknya menjadi prioritas.

Berikut beberapa hal yang dapat anda lakukan untuk membuat pasangan anda nyaman melakukan hubungan seks:

Memuji tubuhnya
Meskipun ia sedikit agak gemuk, jika anda ingin membuatnya merasa nyaman ketika ia tidak mengenakan pakaian. Katakan padanya bahwa anda menyukai badannya yang montok, kulitnya yang halus dan pahanya yang kuat. Tujuannya adalah untuk membiarkan dia tahu bahwa anda tengah memikirkan tubuhnya yang indah.

Tanya bagaimana perasaannya
Jika anda mampu masuk dalam pikirannya dan menilai apa yang ia tengah pikirkan tentang tubuhnya. Ini akan sangat baik. Jika anda membutuhkan waktu untuk menanyainya apakah ia memikirkan tentang dirinya, anda mungkin mempelajari bahwa ia memikirkan pahanya yang terlalu besar, payudaranya yang terlalu kecil dan ketiaknya terlalu lengket.

Buat suara saat ia melepaskan pakaian
Jika anda tengah dirumah dan ia mulai menanggalkan pakaian di depan anda, pejamkan mata anda, kemudian buka dan buatlah suara menyenangkan ketika anda melihat tubuhnya. Ini akan membuatnya sedikit percaya diri dan mulai untuk melakukan tarian kecil.

Ungkapkan beberapa kekurangan anda
Mengaku satu atau dua kekurangan akan membantu membuktikan bahwa anda tidak menilai diri anda sebagai seorang yang senpurna tetapi mampu mengakui kekurangan milik sendiri dan nyaman dengan tubuh anda. Sebaliknya ini akan membuat lebih nyaman dan memberikannya sedikit jaminan.

Ajak dia menari tanpa busana
Ini akan menyenangkan jika anda dapat melakukannya, tetapi tidak terlalu penting. Dorong pasangan untuk menari tanpa busana didepan cermin ketika anda tidak bisa melakukannya berdua. Tampil tanpa busana bersama pasangan anda akan membantunya menjadi lebih nyaman dengan tubuhnya.

Pergi ke tempat senam bersama
Jika ia merasa tidak nyaman dengan tubuhnya akibat sedikit gemuk, cobalah pergi ke tempat senam bersama-sama untuk membantu dia menjadi nyaman dengan tubuhnya sehingga dapat menikmati seks lebih baik dan lebih sering
by Rahasia Pria Perkasa

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Jumat, September 01, 2006

Who Says Penis Size Is Not Important?


Most men have been there at one time or another. That moment when total sexual exhilaration turns to pure panic and fear...fear that the "little astronaut" out on his moon walk has lost his space suit. Fear that the knight is no longer wearing his shining armor.

The number one reason that condoms break or slip off during the horizontal mambo is that the Johnson in question was not properly suited. Like shoes or bras, careful consideration must be given to condom size.

Yes, all men are created equal — but in very different shapes and sizes when it comes to the trouser department.

And while it may not be the size of the wave that floats your boat, when it comes to choosing a condom, your size does matter.


A recent survey by Durex Condoms revealed that the length of an erect penis can range from four to nine inches, while penis widths can vary from just over one inch to more than two inches.

The Durex study also found that 50% of the almost 3,000 survey respondents felt that the condoms they regularly used did not fit properly; 25% said the condoms were "too tight," 10% said they were "much too tight," and 15% responded that the condoms were "too loose" or "much too loose."

Not surprisingly, 42% of those surveyed indicated that condoms should be "better shaped."

A whopping 44% of those surveyed reported they had experienced condom slippage or breakage problems in the past.

The Durex study concluded, "Given the wide range of penis sizes and the relatively narrow range of condoms designed to fit them, it is perhaps unsurprising to find that 50% of respondents felt that the condoms they use did not fit them properly".

The answers provided also indicate that condoms which don't fit properly are more likely to break during use..."

Another study performed by La Trobe University in Australia examined the effect of penis dimension on the probability of complete condom slippage and/or condom breakage in actual use.

A total over the course of the study, 16% of the men experienced at least one instance of breakage and 19% experienced complete slippage.

The study concluded that condom breakage was strongly associated with penis circumference, particularly for men with above-average girth.

In fact, each additional centimeter of penis circumference beyond the average 13.19 cm increased the risk of breakage by 50-100%.

Like the Durex study, the researchers concluded, "This finding suggests a need to increase either the range of condom sizes currently available or the [girth] of currently available condoms." of 3,658 condoms were used by 184 men.


It is no secret that many men dislike wearing condoms. Some Men say that condoms interfere with sex, "get in way," or "kill the mood."

Most of the time however, these problems arise because the man has difficulty putting on the condom, or is concerned that the darn thing may slip off.

If a condom is difficult to put on due to size issues, the little soldier may suddenly be unable to stand at attention.

A survey conducted by the University of Sydney, Australia found that two-thirds of the men surveyed reported they "sometimes" or "often" lost their erection while trying to put on a condom.

Of course without an erection, a condom is impossible to put on at all.

While many men struggle to put on ill-fitting condoms that are too small, many others experience anxiety that the condom may slip off their slimmer girth.

This anxiety can also interfere with the ability to keep the flag at full mast. Condoms that are too loose increase the odds of slippage or leakage.

Paradoxically, one of the most common reasons condoms slip off is because they are too tight or too long - if not fully rolled down, the ring at the base can enter the man's partner and be dragged off.

Condoms that are too short also increase the risk of exposure to STDs.

When condoms are too tight, breakage and slippage is more likely to occur, and sensitivity can be significantly diminished.

The reality is that condom size is very important. Unfortunately, unlike penises, most condoms around the world today are made in a very narrow range of sizes.

In fact, the overwhelming majority of condoms does not refer to size at all, and simply are marketed as a "one size fits all" product.

While a few companies like Trojan have shown some sensitivity to the size issue by producing some larger sized models, very few such products exist, and even fewer are available for those needing a snugger fit.

Millions of men continue to struggle with the "one size fits all" mentality that the condom manufacturers apply to condom size, often leading to very unfortunate results.

Given the inherent difficulties in measuring customers to ensure a more tailored condom fit, condom producers simply continue to force round pegs into square holes.

That's why to fit a condom effectively and snugly, you have to up your size.
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Is Penis Enlargement Safe?


Yes it is 100% safe, obviously you have to be careful and avoid the dangerous techniques. Apart from when I did weights and stretches I never had any injuries while doing the natural penis enlargement and the pills. Below I re-iterate the techniques to avoid.

Studies have shown that most men are interested in penis enlargement. In fact these studies show that most men are not satisfied with their penis length or their sexual performance. They are also dissatisfied with the firmness of the erect penis, but are unwilling to talk with their doctor about what they perceive as a problem.

Many men are convinced that their penis is not large enough to satisfy their lover. This leads to an overall lack of confidence when making love, and this lack of confidence often leads to a softer erection, which feeds the problem by often leading to feelings of inadequacy. This can even lead to relationship problems as these feelings take root and deepen.

Feeling that you are an unsatisfactory lover leads to a lack of desire to have sex, which the woman in your life may interpret as sexual rejection. This can lead to further misunderstanding regarding sex and the relationship, and often leads to serious problems between couples.

The adult entertainment industry is full of ads for products and programs for the enlargement of the penis. The products include pills, creams and sprays that claim they will cause penis growth. These claims range from the scientific to the outrageous. Below we talk about penis enlargement methods that DO NOT WORK:

Enlargement Creams

Over the last few years, advertisements have been popping up for creams that claim that they will enlarge the penis with regular use. Do they work? Medical evidence has demonstrated that no topical preparation can do more for you than to increase blood flow in the area, which may aid in other programs and may also assist in erection firmness, but these preparations can do nothing on their own to promote actual penis enlargement.

Penis Pumps

One of the most common product advertised for penis enlargement is the penis pump. It can be seen on sale on the internet, in adult bookstores and magazines, and even in drug stores. The pumps work by creating a vaccuum around the penis and bringing blood to the tissue. This can assist men with extremely poor circulation to have an erection.

There is no actual medical evidence that penis pumps cause any actual increase in the size of the penis. Some men may even find that if they use a penis pump over a period of time that they will be unable to get an erection without using the pump.

Using Weights

Men have used this method of penis enlargement for hundreds of years. Basically you hang weight from your penis in order to stretch it. Many ancient and tribal people practiced this method. Does it work? Over time, with regular use, you can achieve greater length using this method. The drawbacks include a thinner penis, and because of the stretched tissue, often less ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

This method can also cause decrease in blood circulation to the penis, which can lead to serious problems including tissue damage.

Enlargement Surgery

Surgery is a big step, and an expensive one. More importantly, it can lead to serious complications like infection. It can also lead to scar tissue formation which can cause a misshapen penis. A common form of penis enlargement surgery involves taking your body fat and injecting a small amount into the penis. This does not cause significant change in length, although it can make a difference in girth.

Some men have the connective tissue at the top of their penis cut, which does not actually enlarge the penis, but does cause it to jut further out from the body. Of course, having less support, your penis will not stand up as far from your body as it did previous to the surgery.

Penis surgery doesn't change your ability to get an erection, or the firmness of that erection. This is caused by blood flow in the penis.

Enlargement pills - 99% of these are rip-off pills which are nothing more than vitamin pills, some do work but be careful of which ones you do choose.
by Oneil Wilson
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